Aogashima Village, Tokyo東京都青ヶ島村

Living in Aogashima Village, Tokyo


We have Summarized the livability of Aogashima Village, Tokyo.

What kind of place is Aogashima Village, Tokyo?

Panoramic view of Maruyama

The entire island is designated as Aogashima Nature Park, and the town of Aogashima Village is loved by nature lovers and divers.

Aogashima Village is the southernmost inhabited island in the Izu Islands, located about 358 km south of the Tokyo mainland and about 68 km south of the nearest island, Hachijojima, and has an area of about 5.96 square kilometers.
The population is about 170 people and the number of households is about 113. (As of June 2023)
It is the village with the smallest population of any city or town in Japan.
The climate is warm and rainy, and the temperature is relatively high compared to the mainland, but the island’s settlements are located at a high altitude, so it is somewhat cooler. The weather is changeable and the island is constantly exposed to strong winds from the sea, and is easily affected by spring storms and autumn typhoons.
Transportation from the mainland to the island is by boat or plane, but there are no direct flights and all routes depart and arrive via Hachijojima. The transportation network is unstable because it depends on the weather, and it is not uncommon for people to be stranded on the island due to flight cancellations.

Aogashima has a unique topography with no sandy beaches, and its periphery is surrounded by steep sea cliffs about 50m to 200m high.
The highest part of the island is the outer rim of the crater, called Otonbu, which is 423m above sea level, and inside is the inner crater (Maruyama), which is 223m above sea level and is a rare double caldera even seen worldwide.
Oyama Observation Park, located in one corner of Otonbu, is a popular spot for tourists as it offers a panoramic view of the caldera.
In addition, to the right of Maruyama is the geothermal sauna (Aogashima Fureai Sauna). This sauna uses the heat from the hingya, and since it is natural heat, the temperature and humidity inside the sauna vary slightly depending on the day. It is popular with tourists and is a village spot loved by the villagers.
The word hingya comes from the word hinokiwa (cypress), and refers to the countless holes from which steam erupts that can be seen in the Ikenosawa area. It is said that it was used for heating and cooking in the days before electricity, and the salt made by heating seawater in this hingya is a specialty of the village.

PR video of Aogashima Village, Tokyo

[Aogashima] A trip to Tokyo’s treasure island “TOKYO TREASURE ISLANDS”

Living in Aogashima, population 169 [39-year-old single woman]

How is the traffic situation in Aogashima Village?

Sambo Port

Aogashima Village is the only town to the mainland that can be reached by ferry from Aogashima Port.

There are no direct flights from the mainland to the island, so both boats and planes require a stopover at Hachijojima.
By plane, it takes about 1.5 hours, from Haneda Airport to Hachijojima Airport (55 minutes), and then 20 minutes from Hachijojima Airport to Aogashima Heliport.
By boat, it takes about 10 hours from Takeshiba to Hachijojima (Sokodo Port), and then 2:30 hours from Hachijojima (Sokodo Port) to Aogashima/Sanbo Port (13 hours).

There are no roads surrounding Aogashima Village, and the main road for transportation is Prefectural Route 236, also known as the Aogashima Main Road, which connects Sanpo Port in the southern area to the northern area where the heliport and Aogashima Village Hall are located.

  • There is no traffic jam, so you don’t have to worry about the stress of being stuck in a car.

  • You will need to take a ferry or a plane to the mainland.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Aogashima Village?

    Village view from Ootobu

    Aogashima Village: A town where houses are scattered in a limited area

    Although there are densely populated villages in Aogashima Village, it is difficult to find rental properties, including apartments and condominiums. However, Aogashima Village is always looking to recruit town hall employees, and village-run housing is available to those who apply.

  • This is recommended for those who want to live leisurely in a small community and natural environment.

  • It seems difficult to find a property other than village-run housing.

    How is childcare and education in Aogashima Village?

    Aogashima Village is a town with complete educational facilities up to compulsory education, and a unique natural environment where you can raise your children.

    Aogashima Village has two nurseries, one elementary school, and one junior high school.
    Child medical expenses subsidies include “Aogashima Village Infant Medical Expense Subsidy,” “Aogashima Village Compulsory Education Student Medical Expense Subsidy,” and “High School Student Medical Expense Subsidy.” Both outpatient and inpatient medical expenses are covered by children up to 15 years old (until March 31st after they reach 18 years old), and full subsidies are available.
    Child allowances are provided: 15,000 yen for children under 3 years old, 10,000 yen for the first and second children aged 3 years old or older and not yet entering elementary school, 15,000 yen for the third child and onward, and 10,000 yen for junior high school students.
    Aogashima Village provides 250,000 yen per birth as “Aogashima Village Childbirth Subsidy.”

  • There are almost no waiting lists for nursery schools, so you can enroll your child. You can raise your child in the midst of nature.

  • Although the area is rich in nature, there are few educational facilities, which limits the environment for raising children. When students go to high school, they have to choose a high school in another area.

    How about shopping in Aogashima Village?

    Aogashima Village: A convenient shopping area with all the everyday items you need

    Juichiya Liquor Store, the only store in Aogashima Village, sells groceries, daily necessities, alcoholic beverages, and more, and also has a rental car service, making it a popular choice among tourists.
    Since supplies are sourced from the mainland by ship, and supplies run short when ships are canceled, the store stocks a wide range of frozen foods that can be stored for a long time.

  • You can purchase ingredients and small daily necessities at the shops.

  • It’s hard to get what you want because there are restrictions on where you can buy it.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Aogashima Village?

    Aogashima Village is always recruiting staff for its town hall.

    The average annual salary in Aogashima Village is 3.96 million yen.
    There are few shops, entertainment facilities, or businesses in the village, and the number of job openings is limited. In recent years, many companies have adopted remote work, so it may be a good idea to consider the village as a place to move to.

  • The village office is always recruiting, so if you’re considering moving here it’s a good idea to check.

  • There is little job information available, so your options are quite limited when looking for work in Aogashima.

    Aogashima Village, Tokyo’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Aogashima Village, Tokyo’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Aogashima Village Vacant House Renovation Subsidy

    Aogashima Village, Tokyo’s unique childcare support system

    Aogashima Village Childbirth Subsidy Aogashima Village Homecoming and other Pregnancy Health Checkup Subsidy

    Aogashima Village, Tokyo’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Aogashima Village School Attendance Assistance for Children and Students Scholarships for high school students from Aogashima Village Aogashima Village Remote Island High School Student Tuition Support Grant Aogashima Challenge Education Grant
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