Living in Tokyo ロゴ

    Here are the best places to live in Tokyo!

    Recommended information for people who are thinking about working or settling in Tokyo, and for people who don't want to fail when moving to Tokyo! Here are some recommended areas in Tokyo that are easy to live in!

  • Image of Tokyo
    Image of Tokyo
    Image of Tokyo
    Image of Tokyo
  • Living in Tokyo

    Tokyo is the capital of Japan and a city with a very large population. With a wide variety of industries and cultures gathered here, you can live an urban and diverse life. We will provide you with information on how to move and settle in Tokyo in a fun and comfortable way. Tokyo is an area where various wards, cities, towns and villages are gathered. Each area has its own unique characteristics, and once you get a good picture of the area, you will surely know which area is best for you to live in. From shopping spots to historical places in Tokyo, we will introduce you to information on how to enjoy every corner of Tokyo, including the advantages and disadvantages. Whether you are looking to move to Tokyo from another prefecture to buy an apartment or a house, whether you are looking to move to Tokyo from the countryside due to a job transfer or job change, or to continue your education, or whether you are already living in Tokyo, we hope you will find this useful as a useful tip for living in Tokyo.

TOKYOBasic information about the Tokyo area

We have compiled basic information about cities and towns that you should know before living in Tokyo. If you are thinking of moving to Tokyo due to a job change, transfer, or living alone, or if you don't want to make a mistake when moving to Tokyo, we hope that this will be helpful in choosing a city that is easy for you to live in by researching cities and towns before moving.

  • Good to know! Tokyo Support and Subsidy Programs

    Tokyo has established support systems for various people. Just knowing about the subsidies and grants will greatly reduce your financial burden. Here we will introduce the "Support system for immigrants," "Support system for home buyers," "Support system for child-rearing generations," and "Support system for further education and tuition fees."

    Learn more
      Would you like to live in TOKYO?

      Tokyo Metropolitan Government & TV Tokyo Official Video

      Enjoy living in Tokyo, a city that develops day by day and is full of charm

      Tokyo has a long history and continues to develop. It is a diverse city that attracts many different kinds of people. If you are considering moving to Tokyo, first watch this video. You will find out about Tokyo, including its livability and charm, that you may not know about.