Kozushima Village, Tokyo東京都神津島村

Living in Kozushima Village, Tokyo

Kozushima Island

We have Summarized the livability of Kozushima Village, Tokyo.

What kind of place is Kozushima Village, Tokyo?

Akasaki Promenade

Located in the center of the Izu Islands, Kozushima Village is a popular town for leisure and tourism that takes advantage of its beautiful natural environment.

Kozushima Village is located approximately 180km from Tokyo and 55km from Shimoda, almost in the center of the Izu Islands, with an area of approximately 18.58 square kilometers.
The population is approximately 1,789 people and the number of households is approximately 926. (As of September 2023)
The name of the island is said to have originated from the island being called “Kamitsushima” (the island where gods gather together) as a base for discussing the creation of the Izu islands by the god Kotoshironushi no Mikoto. This changed to “Kozushima”.

Tenjo Mountain, which stands in the center of Kozushima and is one of the “100 Famous Flower Mountains” and “New 100 Famous Mountains of Japan,” is a mysterious island with a “water distribution legend” where the gods of the Izu Seven Islands gathered to discuss the distribution of water.
Because it is surrounded by the sea on all sides, the climate is cool in the summer and relatively warm in the winter, making it relatively comfortable throughout the year compared to central Tokyo.
As a beautiful island that is truly said to be a treasure trove of nature, with white sandy beaches, clear seas, lush mountains, and an abundance of fresh spring water from underground water, many tourists visit every year for marine leisure activities such as diving and fishing, as well as trekking.

PR video of Kozushima Village, Tokyo

Kozushima Tourism PR 2022


kozu Island2022

How is the traffic situation in Kozushima Village?

Kozushima Tourism Association

The main means of transportation to the mainland is by ship or plane, while the main means of transportation on the island is by car in Kozushima Village.

You can get to Kozushima Village by boat or plane from Tokyo or Shizuoka.
By boat, it takes the following:
From Takeshiba Pier (Tokyo) to Kozu Port, 2 hours 20 minutes by high-speed boat, 12 hours by large boat.
From Atami Port (Shizuoka) to Kozu Port, 1 hour 55 minutes by high-speed boat, 2 hours 20 minutes by high-speed boat.
From Shimoda Port (Shizuoka) to Kozu Port, 2 hours 20 minutes by high-speed boat.
By plane, it takes 35 minutes by small plane from Chofu Airport (Tokyo) to Niijima Airport.

Prefectural Route 224 runs north to south through Kouzushima, and is used as a road for daily life and for tourism.
The village also has a convenient road network, making it easy to travel by car or bicycle.
The Kouzushima Village Bus runs on these roads, and is used daily by residents as a means of daily life.

  • There are no traffic jams, so you don’t have to worry about crowded cars. Buses are also available, making it easy to get around the island.

  • You will need to take a ferry or a plane to the mainland.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Kozushima Village?

    Streets of Kozushima Village

    Kozushima Village is a town surrounded by nature, yet also has residential areas.

    The average price per tsubo is about 20,000 yen per tsubo.
    When searching for rentals, second-hand properties, land, etc. on Kozushima, you can use the “Vacant House Bank” run by Kozushima Village. However, since there are few real estate properties, you need to check the Vacant House Bank information frequently.

  • This is recommended for those who want to live leisurely in a small community and natural environment.

  • There are few properties available, so if you are considering moving, you need to check property information frequently.

    How is childcare and education in Kozushima Village?

    Takuhama Beach

    Kozushima Village: A town with a wide range of childcare support options from nursery schools to high schools

    Kozushima Village has one nursery school, one elementary school, one junior high school, and one high school.
    Child medical expense subsidies are available for both outpatient and inpatient care for children up to 18 years old (as of March 31st after they reach 18 years old), and full subsidies are available.
    Child allowances are provided: 15,000 yen for children under 3 years old, 10,000 yen for the first and second children aged 3 years old or older and not yet entering elementary school, 15,000 yen for the third child and onwards, and 10,000 yen for junior high school students.

    Kozushima Village also has its own support system.
    Kozushima Village has a support system that partially covers the costs of transportation and accommodation for childbirth at hospitals outside the island or prefecture.
    In addition, there is a wide range of support after childbirth.
    In the “Hello Baby Visit” program, a public health nurse or other specialized staff member will visit your home to check on your baby’s development and provide information and advice on child rearing.
    In the “Refreshing Exercises for Women” program, a physical therapist will give advice on exercise methods for postpartum mothers to relieve the stress of child rearing and lack of exercise on a daily basis through exercise. There is also a daycare center, so you can take the class with peace of mind.
    There are also several support options for those who need help or want to temporarily leave their children with someone for various reasons.
    The “Temporary Childcare for Infants” program is a system that allows parents to use temporary childcare for children aged 6 months to preschool age at a relatively low price, not only for unavoidable cases such as illness or weddings and funerals, but also for parents to refresh themselves.
    The “Yochiyochi Support Team – Housework and Childcare Supporter Dispatch Project” is a system in which professional supporters visit the homes of households with preschool children to help with household chores such as preparing meals and doing laundry.
    There are also many facilities where parents and children can play together, and the island actively uses facilities to hold various events and provide places where parents and children can play and interact together.

  • There are almost no waiting lists for nursery schools, so children can be admitted. Children can be raised on the island until high school.

  • Although the area is rich in nature, there are few educational facilities, limiting the environment for raising children.

    How about shopping in Kozushima Village?

    Super Maruhan

    Kozushima Village: A town with everything from tourist shops to supermarkets selling everyday items

    The villages of Kozushima Village are concentrated within a few kilometers of Kozushima Port in the southwest, and shopping facilities are almost only found in this area.
    Although there are few large stores, there are small and medium-sized supermarkets and private shops that sell food and daily necessities, as well as souvenir shops for tourists, so you will not have any trouble with everyday shopping.
    At “Super Maruhan,” you can purchase food and daily necessities, mainly sushi and side dishes made with ingredients from Kozushima. There is also a 100-yen shop on the island called “Can Do,” so you will not have any trouble with daily necessities.
    As it is an isolated island, prices are generally high, but there are several stores where you can purchase rare items such as seafood and specialty products unique to the island.

  • There are supermarkets where you can get local ingredients and prepared foods.

  • Prices are generally high due to transportation costs from the mainland.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Kozushima Village?

    Kozushima Village is a town with many jobs that take advantage of the island’s characteristics, such as tourism and fishing.

    The average annual income in Kozushima Village is 3.3 million yen.
    The island’s main industries are tourism, fishing, and agriculture.
    There are a certain number of job openings like the ones above, but compared to the metropolitan area, the overall number is small and the annual income tends to be low.

  • There are relatively many job openings in the tourism, agriculture, and fishing industries.

  • There are fewer job openings and lower annual salaries than in urban areas.

    Kozushima Village, Tokyo’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Kozushima Village, Tokyo’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Kozushima Village Elderly Housing Renovation Subsidy Program Kozushima Village Settlement Countermeasures Project Grant Kozushima Village Vacant House Renovation Subsidy Vacant House Bank System

    Kozushima Village, Tokyo’s unique childcare support system

    Kozushima Village Childbirth Celebration Payment Kozushima Village Pre- and Post-natal Support Program

    Kozushima Village, Tokyo’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Scholarship Loan System / Kozushima Village Tuition Support Scholarship Loan System
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  • Living in Kozushima Village, Tokyo(東京都神津島村で暮らす。)